Recognition of CBOs providing community services as primary health care providers from the community

Also available in: Español

Miguel Ángel Barriga Talero
Director of Corporación Red Somos
National SCA Platform in SRH    

In Colombia, the Global Fund’s HIV project corresponding to Round 9 allowed to further develop the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) providing community services in the entire country (174 CBOs in 20 departments), as, since March 2016, they are grouped around the National Community Services Platform.

Civil society, boosted by Corporación Red Somos, has set up a sustainability strategy in the response to HIV from a community perspective, which has included the work to achieve the recognition of CBOs as primary health care providers from the community itself, as well as the union created based on the Asociación Colombiana de OBC en SSR (Colombian Association of CBOs in SRH).

Within the framework of a consultancy process conducted through CRAT in 2017 with resources from the Global Fund Community, Rights and Gender Technical Assistance Program, progress was made on the following:

  • Documentation of conceptual aspects
  • Current regulatory framework for the work carried out from the community and its participation in the Colombian General Healthcare Social Security System
  • Analysis of the current situation of CBOs which provide community services in the country, including their georeference, target populations, types of initiatives conducted, contracting experience, process documentation and technical and regulatory expertise
  • Organization of the community services offered by CBOs
  • Proposal for the recognition and registration of CBOs working in the field of SRH within the health system
  • Proposal of lines of action from the community to have an impact on the response to HIV/AIDS, which also considers sustainability mechanisms

To know more about this work, check the following document: Technical Assistance for the recognition of Type A Community Services (SCAs) by Colombia’s National Health System