Third Regional Meeting LAC Platform

Also available in: Español

Lima, Peru – June 14th to 15th, 2018

As part of our coordination actions, the LAC Platform plans to hold two regional meetings over the course of the second phase of the CRG SI. In our third regional meetings participated more than 50 persons key actors in Global Fund processes, including:

  • Members of key and vulnerable communities and populations that participate in the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM), both in national and multi-country investments
  • Regional networks and networks of key and vulnerable populations
  • Technical assistance providers linked to the CRG SI or supporting Global Fund engagement in the region
  • Other stakeholders interested in improving the engagement of civil society and communities in Global Fund-related processes

Objectives of the meeting

  1. Improve understanding among civil society and communities of the role of the LAC Platform in strengthening their participation in GF-related processes, including community monitoring of grant implementation.
  2. Enhance coordination among civil society and communities in the response to the three diseases related to the GF in Latin America and the Caribbean by creating a forum for learning, sharing and exchange.
  3. Support pre-qualified CRG TA providers to better respond to the technical assistance needs of civil society and communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  4. Facilitate a regional dialogue on the strategies to address the main concerns and needs identified (over past two years) of civil society and communities in the LAC region related to sustainability and transition preparedness.

In this post you can download the documents and photos it was shared during the first day of the meeting.

June 14th, 2018

Presentation of the Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative of the Global Fund

In this sesion in the morning, Gemma Oberth, Global Fund CRG Regional Platforms Coordinator, and René Bangert, Global Fund CRG Department, shared relevant and strategic information on the architecture and the different mechanisms of the CRG SI of the GF to support communities and civil society, its components and key areas of work and its lines of action. Highlight the important changes in the CRG SI as of 2017.

Download the presentation here and watch the session on our YouTube channel:

Results of the LAC Platform and lessons learned

In these morning session, Alfredo Mejia, LAC Platform Studies and Tools Coordinator, shared the progress achieved in this component in the LAC Platform first implementation phase.

Download the presentation here (available only in spanish).

Martha Angélica Carrillo, LAC Platform Focal Point in the Caribbean, conducted a reflection about the importance of viewing Latin America and the Caribbean as two subregions, that complement each other but have their own characteristics and complexities.

And finally César A. Coria, LAC Platform Communication Coordinator, explained the advances and adjustments that this component has had from the first to the second initiative implementation phase.

Download the presentation here.

Presentation of the work plan of the LAC Platform
2017 – 2020

In this afternoon session, Anuar Luna, LAC Platform Technical Coordinator, shared the main lines of action and activities of the Platform second implementation phase.

Download the presentation here (available only in spanish).

Too, you can know more about the LAC Platform action lines, activities and components, in A Community Guide to the LAC Platform

Opportunities to access other Global Fund-related Technical Assistance (outside of the CRG SI)

With the objective to contribute to improve the knowledge of the technical assistance providers accredited by the CRG SI, in these afternoon session:

John Waters presented the profile and the technical assistance backgrounds of
The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition. (CVC)

Download the presentation here.

Todd Page shared the International HIV/AIDS Alliance backgrounds.

Download the presentation here and watch the first part of the session on our YouTube channel:

Mary Ann Torres talked about ICASO technical assistance performance.

And finally, Sergio Montealegre described the profile and HIVOS backgrounds.

Watch the second part of the session on our YouTube channel:

Increase of capacities for the presentation of TA requests to the CRG SI 

In this session was shared the progress of a tool to facilitate the preparation of requests for technical assistance to the Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative. The session was in charge of Carlos García de León, consultant responsible for the development of the tool.

To know more about this requests and its formats, click the next link Community, Rights & Gender Technical Assistance Program.

Synergies and cooperation between regional and global networks in LAC

In order to provide an overview of the different actions implemented by the main regional and global networks in LAC in the GF context, during this final session of the first day of activities of the Third Regional Meeting, they shared their experiences:

Elena Reynaga by ReTraSex.

Download the presentation here.

Sergio López by Somos Gay.

Marcela Romero by RedLacTrans

Karina Bravo by NSWP PLAPERTS Regional

Download the presentation here.

Guisselly Flores by ICW Latina.

Watch the session on our YouTube channel: