Also available in: Español
“Ensuring Global Fund investments have a lasting impact in the LAC region: sustaining community engagement in the age of transition, social contracting and universal health coverage”
Mexico City • 18-21 July 2019
- To improve civil society and communities’ understanding of the evolving role of the LAC Platform in strengthening their participation in Global Fund-related processes in the region.
- To improve coordination between civil society and communities in their responses to HIV and TB (and to a lesser extent, malaria) in the context of Global Fund grants in the LAC region.
- To help improving access to technical assistance opportunities provided by the CRG SI Technical Assistance Program and other Global Fund-related TA providers.
- To improve CSO participation in debates and national decision processes aimed at expanding and improving UHC.
DownloadSupporting Documents
Universal Health Coverage: How to finance it?
International Declaration on the Rights of People Affected by Tuberculosis
First Day – July 18th, 2019.
> Second day > Third day
(The visual documentation of the Forum is the result of the collaboration between Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE) and the LAC Platform)

In this session Carlos García de León, facilitator of the Forum, presented the methodology and the general proposal of Work.
Download his presentation here.

In the same session, René Bangert, of the Global Fund; Gemma Oberth, Regional Platforms Co-ordinator of the Global Fund CRG SI and Anuar Luna, LAC Platform Technical Co-ordinator; they welcomed the participants.

In this session, Paul Bonilla, from the LAC Global Fund Team, and Gemma Oberth, Regional Platforms Coordinator ; they gave an update of the actions undertaken by the of the Global Fund SI in the region and globally, in perspective of the 2019-2020 financing cycle.
Download Paul’s presentation here.
Download Gemma’s presentation here.

In the session, the LAC Platform team co-ordination presented the progress in the implementation of its work plan.
Download the presentation of Anuar Luna, LAC Platform Technical
Co-ordinator here (available only in Spanish).
Download the presentation of César Coria, Communication Co-ordinator here.
Download the presentation of Alfredo Mejía, Studies and Tools Co-ordinator here (available only in Spanish).
Download the presentation of Kennedy Carrillo, LAC Platform Caribbean Focal Point here.

In this panel Devanand Milton of Guyana, Julio César Aguilera and Eva Limachi of Bolivia, Miguel Ángel Barriga of Colombia and Derricia Castillo Salazar of Belize, shared their experiences as CSOs and community groups that have submitted and executed applications to the EI CDG Short-Term Technical Assistance Program.
View the video with part of the panel here.

Mary Ann Torres of ICASO, Rosa González of ICASO / Fundación Llaves Honduras and Ron MacInnis of Palladium, shared their experience as technical assistance providers of the Short Term Technical Assistance Program of the IE CDG.
Download Rosa’s presentation here (available only in Spanish)
Download Ron’s presentation here here

Finally, this workshop was held that aimed to increase the skills of the participants for the preparation of applications to the Technical Support Program of the CRG SRG.
> Second day > Third day