Also available in: Español
Author: Movimiento Nacional de Lucha contra el VIH y el sida de México, Latin América and the Caribbean Regional Platform (Global Fund/Vía Libre), Red de Sostenibilidad de la Sociedad Civil (CSSN) and International Civil Society Support (ICSS).
Published by: Movimiento Nacional de Lucha contra el VIH y el sida de México, Latin América and the Caribbean Regional Platform (Global Fund/Vía Libre), Red de Sostenibilidad de la Sociedad Civil (CSSN) and International Civil Society Support (ICSS).
Year: 2019
Type of Document: Case Study.
Description: The HIV and AIDS response, and in particular the channeling of state resources to civil society in Mexico, has been an emblematic case of good practices on multisectoral work that has inspired similar models in the region and the world for decades. At present, the government has decided on a different approach to the response to the epidemic, which led Mexican civil society to organize in a National Movement to reverse these changes. The case study focuses on describing: the creation and evolution of the joint work program, the achievements and lessons learned; with the purpose of documenting an experience that has demonstrated great achievements, and at the same time, being able to inform decision makers with this publication.