Also available in: Español
On May 2nd and 3rd, the 2nd Regional Meeting of the LAC Platform is held. More than 50 representatives of civil society organizations meet to deepen and expand the advocacy capacities of the Platform.
Bring together stakeholders from LAC regions to provide information and knowledge on changes in Global Fund policies and processes, including the new Global Fund Strategy and the 2017-2019 Strategic Initiative on Communities, Gender and Rights (CRG).
To report on progress of the Regional Platform and exchange information with stakeholders on how the regional platform has supported their work and can continue supporting the needs of civil society and communities in the region.
Learn about other initiatives of civil society organizations and communities, as well as other actors involved in the response to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, in relation to the implementation of the FM Transition, Sustainability and Co-financing policy at the national and regional levels, and to to explore potential coordination, articulation and collaboration actions.
First day | May 2nd
Also available in:
Time | Activity | Responsible |
8:30 | Registration of participants | |
9:00 a 10:00 | Welcome and opening of the meeting, presentation of objectives, expectations, working methodologies. | Dr. Robinson Cabello, CRAT – Vía Libre; Anuar Luna LAC Platform, and Mary Ann Torres, facilitator |
What’s New in the Global Fund | ||
10:00 a 10:30 | What’s New in the Global Fund | Paul Bonilla, Global Fund |
10:30 a 11:00 | Strategic Initiative 2017-2019 on communities, gender and rights (CRG). | Edwige Fortier, SI CRG |
11:00 a 12:00 | Discussion – Questions and Answers | Mary Ann Torres, facilitator |
LAC Platform | ||
12:00 a 12:30 | LAC Platform | Anuar Luna LAC Platform and Rosa Inés Béjar CRAT – Vía Libre |
12:30 a 13:00 | Communication Component | César Coria Mercado, LAC Platform. |
13:00 a 13:30 | Discussion – Questions and Answers | Mary Ann Torres. |
13:30 a 14:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 a 15:00 | Networking space | Mary Ann Torres. |
15:00 a 15:15 | Access to and efficiency of TA in three countries: Bolivia, El Salvador and Dominican Republic (Methodology). | Alfredo Mejía, LAC Platform. |
15:15 a 15:30 | Presentation of findings and lessons learned from Bolivia | Gerardo Camacho, LAC Platform. |
15:30 a 15:45 | Presentation of findings and lessons learned from El Salvador | Juan José Cabrera, LAC Platform. |
15:45 a 16:00 | Presentation of findings and lessons learned from Dominican Republic | Helen Spraos, LAC Platform. |
16:00 a 17:00 | Group work on access, efficiency and innovation in the provision of technical support to civil society. | Mary Ann Torres and team. |
Group work | ||
17:00 a 18:00 | Challenges and best practices in communications and collaboration in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the Global Fund | César Coria and team. |
Second day | May 3rd
Also available in:
Transition and sustainability: regional response | ||
9:00 a 9:15 | Social dialogues in the context of sustainable transition in three countries: Belize, Panama and Paraguay – (Methodology) | Joan Tallada, LAC Platform. |
9:15 a 9:30 | Presentation Findings and Lessons Learned Belize | Martha Carrillo, LAC Platform. |
9:30 a 9:45 | Presentation Findings and Lessons Learned Panama | Diego Postigo, LAC Platform. |
9:45: a 10:00 | Presentation Findings and Lessons Learned Paraguay | Inés López, LAC Platform. |
10:00 a 11:30 | Group work on social dialogues | Mary Ann Torres and team |
11:30 a 11:45 | Coffee break | |
11:45 a 12:10 | Findings and lessons learned from the documentation of good practices in financing CSOs and communities in the response to HIV, TB and Malaria in Latin America and the Caribbean. | Paul Bonilla, Global Fund and Carlos García de León, CRAT consultant. |
12:10 a 12:30 | Findings and lessons learned from the recognition of Community Health Services (SCA) in Colombia. | Miguel Ángel Barriga, Red Somos Colombia. |
12:30 a 12:45 | Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean: Open Society Fundation. | Melania Trejo, OSF |
12:45 a 13:00 | Presentation of the Campaign of Salud por Derecho | Vanessa López, Salud por Derecho. |
13:00 a 13:30 | Discussion – Questions and Answers | Mary Ann Torres |
13:30 a 14:30 | Lunch | |
Group work | ||
14:30 a 16:00 | Small groups: Challenges and best practices in civil society response within the framework of sustainable transition in Latin America and the Caribbean. | Mary Ann Torres and team. |
16:00 a 17:00 | Report back of group work | Mary Ann Torres |
17:00 a 17:30 | Evaluation and closing | Mary Ann Torres; Robinson Cabello and Rosa Inés Béjar, CRAT – Vía Libre . |
INTERVIEWS about LAC Plataform
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