by Plataforma LAC | May 26, 2023 | Documents Library, Global Fund documents
Source: Updated on 8 May 2023 Communities are at the heart of primary health care and universal health coverage. Stronger community systems and responses are needed to reach the most vulnerable and play an effective part in the fight against HIV,...
by Plataforma LAC | May 26, 2023 | Documents Library, Global Fund documents
Source: 13 April 2023 Information resources, including presentations and recordings, are published on the Global Fund website (recordings are linked from the Global Fund’s YouTube channel) after each session. By joining these sessions, participants...
by Plataforma LAC | May 18, 2023 | Documents Library, Evaluation tool and capacity building
LAC Platform, The Global Fund and FHI 360 present the webinar: Creating demand for HIV services on social media for Latin American and Caribbean countries The webinar will: Present a technical overview on social media use for demand creation Have implementers...
by Plataforma LAC | Oct 3, 2022 | Documents Library, Evaluation tool and capacity building
LAC Platform presents the webinar: Mechanism to support civil society and communities to improve their participation in the 2023 – 2025 Funding Cycle Objectives To introduce participants to the New Funding Model (NFM4) of the Global Fund, its key components and...
by Plataforma LAC | Aug 14, 2022 | Communities, Rights and Gender special initiative, Opportunities
LAC Platform invite to the webinar: Mechanism to support civil society and communities to improve their participation in the 2023 – 2025 Funding Cycle Objectives To introduce participants to the New Funding Model (NFM4) of the Global Fund, its key...